Packing Essentials for the Healthy Traveler

Whether you’re a jet setter whose wallet is full of airline credit cards or you’re heading out on your first trip of the decade, you have to confront the same reality: travel is hard. Sometimes really hard. It takes patience, grit, and the occasional high-speed sprint between terminals. Even if you’re George Clooney’s character in Up in the Air with a finely tuned system for getting through security, on a first-name basis with the flight attendants, or your favorite hobby is gambling on whether the in-flight Wi-Fi is going to work, travel takes a toll on your body. 

Traveling stress-free is an art form. Staying healthy while doing so is sorcery. 

Fortunately, people are starting to admit that travel is hard. And they’re starting to realize that maybe it doesn’t have to be. With the right travel essentials on hand, you can start to make traveling healthy feel, if not easy, at least doable. 

Add these essentials to your next packing list for your healthiest trip yet. 

Pill Organizer

One of the first things to go out the window when you travel is your routine. And anyone who takes supplements and pills regularly knows that without a set schedule your best intentions to keep on top of your health needs disappear. Carrying bottles of pills can take up too much room in a suitcase and filling and carrying a pillbox can feel encumbering or awkward. That’s why the Nokabox exists. It’s a pill-organizer designed to be easy to fill, able to carry what you need for each day, and perhaps best of all, look as stylish as everything else you packed. 

Travel Pillow

Getting enough sleep while on the go is one of the biggest hurdles travelers face. Sleep affects all aspects of our health, from stress-levels, to focus, to our digestion and physical fitness. 

If you need to catch some Zzzzs on the plane, make sure to have a travel pillow handy. A good old fashion donut pillow is better than nothing, but if you’re looking for an even better snooze on that red eye, check out the Trtl Travel Pillow

Sleep Supplements  

Falling asleep in a new place can pose its own set of challenges. If you need some help winding down, a sleep supplement such as melatonin can help you drift off sooner. Put one in each drawer of your Nokabox, just in case. 

Sleep Tracker 

Slept on your flight, but still feel crummy? Curious how jetlag is affecting your sleep? A wearable activity tracker can give helpful insights to help you adjust your sleep schedule as you go. If you’re stepping off the plane and into a boardroom or a friend’s wedding celebration, the sleek design of a tracker like the Oura Ring will let you keep an eye on the health stuff without sacrificing style. 

Water Bottle 

Sleep isn’t the only necessity when it comes to life at 30,000 feet. Dehydration is a big risk on travel days. Make sure you pack your favorite water bottle and fill up as soon as you get to your gate. Sipping early and often will keep you hydrated so you don’t get to your destination and realize the only beverage you’ve had in the past six hours was a tray table vodka and cran. It’s always five o’clock somewhere in an airport after all!

Travel-Supporting Elixir

We said traveling healthy was sorcery, but there’s a lot of science behind a travel elixir to help you stay hydrated and reduce the other harmful effects of traveling, like decreased circulation and poor digestion. Flight Fud comes in a travel-sized pouch and might just be that secret ingredient you need to power through your next marathon travel day. 

Protein Powder

Airports are synonymous with junk food. There are few things more enticing than the smell of fast food when you’re sleep deprived, rushed, and hangry. Having an easy source of protein can make all the difference. Keep your strength up for your next leg of travel with a travel-pack sized pouch of protein such as Ancient Nutrition. If you’re good on protein but need a boost of collagen, select a capsule and turn your Nokabox into a little magic box of travel goodness.
